Tuesday 20 October 2009

The Baldy Notion Web of the Week

I loved this website simply for the quality of the graphics and the way it animates. It belongs to an American cheese company, Wisconsin Cheese and advertises, through the medium of outrageous burgers, their impressive cheese range. All styled round a pre-war sort of rollidex which animates beautifully and has a really cool brass period slider to flip the pages over, accompanied by a tongue-in-cheek narrative. I found it through another interesting site www.stumbleupon.com on which you tell it your interests (obviously in my case, food) and it just keeps hitting you with food sites. The nice thing is that you can educate it along the way by giving the sites a thumb up or thumb down and it keeps a note of the ones you liked and tries not to show any more like the ones you didn't.
The cheese and burger site didn't seem to like my Mac's browsers, however, but it ran beautifully on our PC and had myself and the Moo tittering as we turned the pages. Beautiful pictures of heartstopping cheeseburgers and recipes too. Enjoy

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